The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
This run was not about a PR or form or performance of any kind. It was just a great way to start the day and an awesome time with my mother-in-law. It was a 5k on the Universal Studios Backlot in Hollywood!!!
We did this run last year and mom paid my registration fee for me both times. Now that is just the greatest gift ever! We ran it together and had a great time.
The energy of the crowd was great and there was a wide range of skill levels. This is me running with a group and looking around enjoying all the famous movie sets…
This me chillin' at a saloon...
I just had to get a pic of this kid. A CamelBak for a 5k? Really?
I saw a guy taking Cliff Shots right before the gun went off…. for a 5k?! You’d be done with the race well before they kicked in! Especially the guy I saw! He was super fit and looked like he could have finished in 10 minutes!
This run could have been a touch more organized because all the runners from elite to walkers all started at the same time so we spent a lot of time and energy dodging and being dodged. I’m sure that’s a major faux pas but I’m not so elite or snobby that it diminished the run for me at all. Although many of the runners who reviewed it afterward had a lot of negative comments about it. To them, I say “Lighten Up!” It’s clearly a family oriented event with many enticing sets where people want to stop and take pix..
Here is me with Mr. Potato Head (around Mile 1)…
This is me in Whoville...
… and it’s quite hilly. Here is the Psycho house on the hill….
Norman Bates was there taking pix with fans. That was cool!!!
I thought Mother might be lonely so I went to visit. I knocked but she didn't answer...
And you can’t beat a 5k where you get a T-Shirt, a fairly decent goody bag AND a medal!
I can't say enough about this run. It was great! Next year I wanna take Jordan. He is always so envious when I come home with a medal. He always wants to wear my medals……
…but he wants one of his own.
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