The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
Tonight’s run was tough. It was a short one, but I am just exhausted over it. I was pushing myself the whole time. Anything under a 165 heart rate wasn’t cutting it for me today. I asked Chris to leave me at the Boys & Girls Club when we went to pick up the boy so I could run home. I’d never done it before, but I figured it would be about 2.5 miles. It worked out to be 3.1. Not too bad.
I hadn’t any intention of taking the dog, but I‘d dropped in at home before picking up the kids. She saw me in my workout clothes and wouldn’t leave me alone. Chris was no help at all because he thought it was so cute that she was so desperate to go with me. So I put her new pink collar on her because she chewed through her old one last night. Bitch.
So I started out on this run and I was looking for inspiration to keep me going. I was listening to my Michael Jackson playlist and for some reason I was annoyed by that. Weird, right? I usually *love* the King of Pop! Who doesn’t? I kept him on and kept putting one foot in front of the other. By the time I got to mile one, I was feeling TERRIBLE!!! But what could I do? I had to get home. One foot in front of the other was the only solution, so off I went.
Mile two is going to be great because I know I’m a mile from home and maybe I’ll get my second wind. I decide that the last mile will be in perfect form, so I throw those shoulders back, tuck in that butt, pull that belly button toward my spine, pump those arms like a lumberjack sawin' wood and got those knees up. My speed picks up and my heart rate picks up, too. It’s going to be a good run coming in.
This run was for form and speed. Mile one was in under 10 minutes, which is really good for me. While I was working on mile two, this lady just whizzed right by me like I was standing still. It was hard to tell because she was moving so quickly, but she had to be my age. She might have been younger, but I really don’t think so. She was amazing and her form was perfect. Her long pony tail was swishing left and right just as it should (as opposed to up and down). Just beautiful. Not a wiggle or a wobble in sight. Bitch.
When I got home, I learned that Jayda had wet herself and was in the tub. So I undressed and hopped in the tub with her. Something I’d never done before. We were both delighted. While we played and talked about the trials and tribulations in the life of a two-year-old, I was able to forget my worries and my imperfect form and just be grateful that I am healthy enough to be out there doing it and blessed to be sitting in luke warm water with such a pretty princess.
It was with deepest regret that I rinsed her hair and pulled the plug. I still had to make dinner. I wanted it to be a healthy one, so I set some red potatoes to boiling, put some teriyaki salmon in the oven and sautéed some asparagus in olive oil and seasonings. It was a good one. The kids had corndogs, so everyone was happy.
Now that I’m off to bed and not at all looking forward to the preemptive potty pitstop I’ll make before hitting the sack with the disgusting aroma of asparagus-laced urine, I find my mind drifting toward tomorrow’s run, which is supposed to be a long one. Doesn’t sound appealing at the moment, but if I can make myself believe I can get through it and feel like I do now, I’ll be out there for sure.
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