The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
Tonight’s workout was good in a couple of ways. Chris came with me to do a warm up walk. That was really nice. It was about three quarters of a mile and we took Jayda and Sarah. It was very pleasant. I love hangin’ with Chris. Doesn’t matter what we’re doing.
After we were done, I dressed out and did a quick 2.40 Mile sprint in my neighborhood. I would have done an even 3 Miles, but my RunKeeper crapped out on me for some reason so I didn’t know how far I’d gone. I knew it wasn’t 3 Miles, but I was ready to stop.
It was great to run the neighborhood. Soon it will be very pretty. My neighbors go all out with the Christmas lights. Maybe then, I’ll be able to get both kids out there.
Running in the winter is awesome out here. So many things to love about it!
(1) No sunscreen! Only when I run at night, of course. Yep, Sistas need sunscreen too! And I am always fighting against breakouts in the summer because sunscreen is so oily. Even the ones that claim to be oil free!
(2) The Temperature! In SoCal, it is never too cold to run. Arm warmers and running gloves are the most you’ll ever need in winter (maybe a hat, but you’re always wearing one of those anyway, right?). However, in summer, if you don’t get out there before 10am or after 7pm, you ain’t goin’! Not if you don't wanna risk heat stroke. Although it is cool that sunset is well after 8:30pm.
(3) Early sunrise! On that rare occasion when I go to sleep on time and wake up early, the sun is up! So I can get my run in before I start my day! Gotta love the 5:30am sunrise! In the summer, it is decidedly dark until 6:45am. What’s up with that!
And (4) No Brush Fires!!!!! (usually). I can’t tell you how many runs I had to cancel last year because the air quality was so bad. The air quality is never going to be as good as Big Bear, Hume Lake or Arrowhead. I’m sure the fireplace blazes aren’t all that great for you and the smog in L.A. is legendary. But none of that puts the brakes on open air exercise like a 4500 acre brush fire and they happen every year!!!
We *rarely* hit freezing temperatures and below zero just never happens. Our “Rainy Season” is 5 days. On the whole, I definitely prefer the warmer weather, but you couldn’t ask for better running weather than fall and winter in Southern California.
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