The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
This was the most awesome run! Ran it with Jordan! He lost his backpack somewhere AGAIN!!! He was supposed to be grounded all weekend but he asked if he could work it off. I told him that he could if he ran with me and we were going to go about 4 miles. He said he’d do it so we got him geared up and had Chris drop us off at the Dog Park. We added another half mile to the run, then turned around.
By the end of mile one, we were going down hill, so the run was extremely easy and pleasant. Jordan ran all of the 4 minute intervals. He loved having his own music and I put a flasher on his cap because we lost daylight at about the 2 mile mark. He thought that was pretty cool too. I also had on full reflective gear: Vest with LED lights and a day glow cap with reflective strips. Wish I had a pic of that!
The weather was great, the temperature was perfect and it was so great running and bonding with my boy. Hopefully, he’ll find his backpack on Monday. If not, I guess I’ll get a full-time running partner. Score!..... But he really should find his backpack.
Sounds like a great run with Jordan! Enjoy your week.