The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
I am EXTREMELY stressed out right now! A very dear friend of mine is an elite runner (I didn’t get his permission so I won’t give his name) and I asked him to consult me during a short run this weekend. This run is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Needless to say, this gentleman is *’way* out of my league. Clearly, he lost some sort of bet. Otherwise, there is no way he would waste his time and considerable talent correcting my form and offering me advice.
I can’t imagine how this session will go but I will absorb all I can while I’m with him. He is a master at his craft. We have run a few races together… and I use the word “together” rather loosely. A more accurate statement is: We have run a few races in the same area, on the same day.
He runs a 5k in about 17 minutes and he could have run the Wounded Warrior half marathon twice in the time it took me to run it once…. And he still would have beat me to the finish line! He could qualify for Boston easily but that wouldn’t be a challenge for him. This guy is a machine!
Why is he meeting me tomorrow? I really have no idea.
May 23rd – 4.86 Mile Run
This run was just OK. I’m not exactly sure what the trouble is, but lately I have been having pain in my Achilles Tendon after my runs. It may be my news shoes.
For Mother’s Day Chris took me to specialty store just for runners to have my gait assessed and shoes recommended. I bought the shoes they recommended and have been having trouble ever since. Great.
May 26th – 2.49 Mile Run
This had to be a really short run because We all had to be dressed and ready to go to Open House to see all the projects Jordan had been doing at school by 7pm. So after work, I changed my clothes, downed a quick meal and took Jordan on his bike for a quick run.
It was a pretty decent workout but there were quite a few stops. There always are when I run with Jordan but he’s getting much better and I really like running with him when I’m not using it as a form of discipline.
Even though this run was quick and short, I still had AT issues. I’ll try my Asics tomorrow and see what happens.
PHOTO NOTE: I am registered to do the Love Run 10k in Westlake Village on June 5th but my father has retired and is having his celebration dinner on that weekend so I’ll be out of town and won’t be able to do it. Chris knew I was bummed about it and told me he would have the kids make me a bib because he knows I like to collect them. How sweet is that?
This is the one Jayda made for me. It’s my new favorite bib!
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