The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
This was a great run. The usual route. I wanted to be able to relax on this run so there was no challenge, no stress. I wanted all joy and boy did I get it!
This run was pure bliss. The weather was wonderful and the temperature was perfect. My headphones took a dump just as the run got underway which meant I could only hear the lower frequency notes and I couldn’t hear my audio cues from RunKeeper at all.
I knew when they were coming because all the sound would go out but I couldn’t hear the computerized voice. Apparently, not being hampered or distracted by music or the pace and distance updates worked for me. I was able to finish the run in record time.
I also noticed that I couldn’t hear my footfalls. Not only could I not hear them, but people who were walking in front of me couldn’t either. I had three instances where I needed to pass people and they didn’t hear me until I was right on top of them.
That was great. It meant that I was stepping very lightly and my form was really good. That proved to be so, as it is two days later and I can’t feel a thing. No soreness, no tightness. I still should have stretched, but I just really hate stretching.
I really need to pray about weight training. I have all the equipment and it has become very clear that Christopher is not going to use it. I really felt like it improved my run when I did it but I am not at all motivated to lift weights! I gotta get over that!
I have a run scheduled tonight. I will have to check the air quality, though. All the experts say the fallout from the crisis in Japan should reach our shores this morning and I’ve had a few friends tell me that I shouldn’t exercise outdoors today.
Yesterday, we kidnapped the kids and took them to McD for Shamrock Shakes. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
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