The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
This is a rather strange hodgepodge of running activity. It’s been a little crazy scheduling-wise.
The kids have started swim lessons and I must say, they are fantastic little tadpoles. I love watching them do something that they enjoy so much. I always let them know that it’s important to stay active and maintain a healthy weight.
They know that I would love to have them as running partners but I support whatever they want to do. We have exposed Jordan to Soccer, T-ball, gymnastics and Tae Kwon Do. They were all disasters! We struck gold when we brought him to the pool. He loves swimming.
So far, he’s just done lessons. I’m concerned that once he’s on a team that requires more discipline, he may resist. In other words, once it turns into “work”, he’ll decide he hates it. He begged for TKD lessons for MONTHS. When we finally got him set up at a dojo and bought his gi and his white belt, three weeks in, he was whining and complaining to the point of tears whenever he had to go. Guh! We fought over it for a year. Finally, we put the whole family out of our misery and dropped the class and started swim lessons.
These are great lessons and both kids are doing very well. Here they are with their certificates after the first course. Cute!
Sunday, after church, we decided to take the kids to a local farm so we could pick our own strawberries. So much fun! The farm is about 5 miles from our house. I was supposed to go, hangout with the family, pick some strawberries then send the kids back home with Daddy while I ran home.
Well, that didn’t work out. I was bested by the idea of a strawberry shake, so I went home with the family and stopped by the grocery store for some vanilla bean ice cream to go with my strawberries. Yum!
Here we all are at the farm. Fun stuff!
On Saturday, Jayda and I got to hang out and have some girl time at the mall while Jordan went to go see a musical with his grandmother. I told her I would buy her a new purse with some things to go in it.
She decided she wanted a lunchbox and would use it as a purse. I am not one to stifle a budding fashionista's sense of style, so I bought her a lunch box in her favorite shade of purple and a pair of sunglasses, lip balm, facial tissue, a pencil and note paper (also in purple) to put in it.
Then we went to The Cheesecake Factory for a snack. A wonderfully busy and highly caloric weekend.
Now, about the running…
July 5th, 2011 – 3.54 Mile Run
This was an OK run. It was the day after the Independence Day 5k. I was feeling a little down about that race, so felt like I needed a win. I figured I could get a win if I ran it in my 5-fingers.
What ended up happening was I injured myself. I should have taken a few days off, but….
July 6th, 2011 – 2.38 Mile Run
This run was mind-numbingly boring. I just ran laps around my cul-de-sac because I was home alone with the children and couldn’t be too far away from them.
.75 miles in, I got this excruciating pain in my right AT and knee. This was new because I never have knees issues. I ran through it, thinking I could work it out. By the 2 mile mark, I was in some serious pain, so I wrapped it up and went home. FAIL!
July 12th, 2011 – 3.00 Mile Run
It had been about a week since my last run. I had allowed the time off because my right AT and knee were killing me and the kids’ swim lessons were right there in my running slot.
I asked Chris to drop me off at the BGC so I could run home. The goal was the get home in time to make it to their lesson. I ran up the driveway as they were loading into the car. I was sweaty and a little gross, but Mission Accomplished!
Felt good.
July 14th, 2011 – 1.00 & 1.08 Mile Runs
These runs were great. We still had to get the kids to swim lessons. I decided that even though it was only a mile away, I should go ahead and run over there. Otherwise, I wouldn’t get a run in at all. Jordan decided he wanted to go with me so it became a walk. But that’s OK. Spending time with my boy is always a win even if the pace is slow slow slow.
I also wanted to run back home after class. By then, Jordan was wet, cold and exhausted, so I was able to sprint it. I maintained my 5k pace, even including the traffic stops. SCORE! It was the exact same route, so I don’t know where the extra .08 came from, but I’ll take it.
Swim lessons go on for another week, so it’s likely that my training will be a little spotty for the next couple days but I’ll get it in where ever I can.
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