The continued prayer is, “Lord keep me focused. Keep my mind stayed on You. Help me to bring You praise. I know You believe in me. Please help me in my unbelief. Amen.”
I have added weight training to the mix. I know I am late to the game on this, but I resisted weight training for years simply because I just really hate it. Then I was presented with the only situation that would make me do this thing that I really hate: Chris made a commitment to be more active. *sigh*
I’ve been praying about this for months. Even before the doctor told us that he was headed for some serious health issues if he continued on the path he’s on.
I didn’t push or nag. Just told him that I would be up for whatever he chose to do and I continued to pray about it. Of course, I was really hoping that he would get into running, but I knew it was unlikely that he would.
Soon after the first of the year, he started making noise about weight training. I groaned inwardly cuz I just really hate weight training. But I’ve known for some time that I needed to start cross training and stretching.
So we were on the watch for a nice weight set that we could use together. We were hoping we could get something decent for $400. We looked and looked and finally made a decision and everything we wanted was going to cost about $379. Score!
Then I showed the brochure of what we were looking at to a friend at the office. He said, “You should buy my set. It’s just sitting in storage.” Cool! I asked how much he wanted and he said $20! SWEET!!!! Chris went to look at the set and it turned out he had an Olympic size bench with the bar and lateral pull down attachment, an abs bench, a flat bench, a curling bar, adjustable dumbbell, more weights than we will ever use and a tree to hang ‘em on! Chris decided to take it all and gave him $40!!!
Since we got such a great price on all of this wonderful stuff, Chris went and bought me a full set of kettle bells and a medicine ball for Valentine’s Day! So romantic! Seriously… I loved it!!!
So for the last 3 days, I have been running AND weight training. Needless to say, I am exhausted. Today’s run really showed it. It was so sloppy and it took twice as long as it should have for me to run 2 miles. Sure it was hilly, but it was just way too hard on me.
The 1.25 mile hike was all joy. I took Jordan on this hike and we ran through a really pretty avocado orchard. We took pix next to some beekeeper's boxes. It was probably dangerous. Clearly, we were on private property, but it was right at the same gate as the hiking trail and there were no signs that said “Keep Out”.
Here are the beekeeper's boxes. I just thought they were cool so I asked Jordan to take a pic.
Then he just kept snapping!
The 3.87 mile run was as also joy. A nice Sunday afternoon run. It was nice to do it because pretty soon, there will be no way I could run almost 4 miles in the searing heat that is Simi Valley! I took Jordan with me. I let him decide the pace. He decided we would do 3 minutes on and 2 minutes off instead of our normal 4 and 1. He wasn’t in any trouble so I allowed it. He wanted to hold hands on the walking intervals and who’s gonna say no to that?!
It was great. I love running with my boy!
The 2.14 mile run was almost total misery. Sure it was hilly and yes hills suck, but this run should not have been as hard on me as it was. But there was weight training on the same day as all of these runs with a .75 mile run at the end.
So, yeah… For me, this is over training. I will rest tomorrow. Tonight, I will rock the kettle bells and sleep soundly.
Here’s a special treat! Chris McDougall, author of “Born to Run” speaking at a Health Expo about the NYC Marathon and the Tarahumara. Enjoy!
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